Sunday Star-Times
Standard cover price (incl GST): $4.50 | Frequency: Weekly
The Sunday Star-Times provides all you need to know about the latest news, sport, business and entertainment and prepare and inspire you for the week ahead.
Sunday is the ideal day to relax and indulge, and with eight great sections including the Sunday Magazine, you can do just that with the Sunday Star-Times.
Subscribers also receive 3 months free digital access to all Stuff digital publications via thepost.co.nz including Sunday Star-Times and all regional titles.
The Sunday Star-Times provides all you need to know about the latest news, sport, business and entertainment and prepare and inspire you for the week ahead.
Sunday is the ideal day to relax and indulge, and with eight great sections including the Sunday Magazine, you can do just that with the Sunday Star-Times.
Subscribers also receive 3 months free digital access to all Stuff digital publications via thepost.co.nz including Sunday Star-Times and all regional titles.